Thursday, January 8, 2009

Keeping Yourself Mentally Fit

Welcome my friend to another blog post. Smile you are an amazing person! Your brain is the most useful and also the most fragile tool in your business arsenal.

The most successful business people are those who keep themselves mentally active. There are a number of ways to do this. In the last post we touched upon the subject of Automobile University. One of the reasons this is so successful is that most people spend between 500 to 1000 hours driving per year. Thus if you do not use Automobile University this is all lost time. The most successful people are those who are continuously learning.

Another way to keep mentally active is to do brain exercises regularly every day. I recommend this as a great technique to not only keep your “business” brain active but also to fight off mental deterioration / degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s.

In most newspapers and magazines you can see puzzle pages with crosswords, soduko and word search etc. With these you usually have to wait until the next day to know if you are correct or not, but delayed gratification is also a success trait.

You may have seen adverts for Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training on TV. This and other similar software are excellent ways to put your brain through the mental gymnasitcs required for a healthy life. These use the Nintendo DS Lite as the software platform. This is a handheld device which can also play games software. I believe that this is an excellent device for its price. Although you cannot use it whilst driving it can be used whilst travelling thus releasing lost time.

You can check out the various brain training software by going to“My Self-Develpment Store” at the end of this post. “My Self-Development Store” is actually “Your Self-Development Store” so visit it regularly to see what’s new.

In closing this post may I say that you are an amazing person. You might not feel like it all the time, but remember you possess a brain that can create your destiny.

To your success.

Reference/Referral Click Here
My Self-Development Store

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Basics - Automobile University

Automobile University is nearly as old as Network Marketing/MLM. It is a great way of Improving yourself and is also one of the ways of improving your success rate in business.

For those who are new to Automobile University and self-improvement let me explain that Automobile University is called such because you use audio learning materials in your car whilst driving and thus reclaim this “lost” time to improve yourself.

Personally I believe this “lost” time needs to be reclaimed in a productive way and there is no better way than learning something new or reviewing old knowledge. A lot of books that I bought when I was young are now out as audio books. I still read ordinary books, but audio books add a new dimension to learning that outweighs and can even take the guesswork out of some books.

I will be presenting reviews of some interesting audios in the coming months. I use an iPod as I do not drive and travel by train and underground (metro), but iPods can be docked into a car if you do drive. iPods use iTunes on a PC or Mac to store and arrange the audio files. I find this a bonus. MP3’s are also available, but unfortunately I do not know anything about them.

Check out my future blogs on interesting/useful audio books.

Reference/Referral Click Here
My Automobile University Audio Player Recommendations
My Self-Development Store

The Basics - The Traditional Methods of Network Marketing

Traditional network marketing has propagated the following methods to countless downlines in numerous companies. The information below is not exhaustive and is presented for information only.

In traditional network marketing we are told to do the following to succeed.
Become motivated about your MLM company, new business/career and your products. Suggestions are that you dream about your goals and leave messages around to motivate yourself.

Develop your character thus becoming a product of the product, a walking advertisement.

Retail the products and promote the company ”consistently” by introducing them to your warm market. Your warm market are those people you know personally. In some complanies it can be anyone that you have ever met. One of the ways to do this is to use the “3 ft rule” where anyone within three feet is a viable prospect. This also includes inviting them to educational meetings where the products and business are presented by upline distributors.

Coach your Downline until they are independent of you. This is usually restricted to those who show the same enthusiasm as you.

These techniques have been used for a long time and are still being taught to new distributors. People who have tried these techniques have various degrees of success, but in truth about 95% of new network marketers are worse off using them. The thing is that the way in which network marketing is presented has changed very little since the 1940’s.

All the best for your future success


Reference/Referral Click Here
The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing
My Self-Development Store

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Basics - The Traditional Vocabulary of MLM

Traditional Network Marketing (MLM), and it can be called a tradition now since it began in the 1940’s, has a vocabulary all of its own. Below are a number of terms used in MLM/Network Marketing.

Compensation Plan
The compensation plan is the way in which an MLM company rewards a Network Marketer’s efforts for getting customers and recruiting others who get customers.

This has nothing to do with telephone MLM’s - It is a person who is in the same MLM company but is not connected to your upline or downline.

This is the method of marketing and supplying goods and services.

You, the person who has signed an agreement to distribute a product or a service for an MLM company.

This is one or more people you recruit to join your MLM company such as “Tim is in my downline.” It is also any person recruited by the person you recruited, such as “In my downline, Tim has recruited 4 people this month.”

Financial freedom
Being debt free and having the money to buy anythng you desire.

This is a person you have personally recruited to join you in your MLM company. This person is also in your downline but there is no one between you and them.

This is a distributor who takes on the responsibility for training those in his downline and makes sure they are well-equiped for selling products to customers and recruiting others. In MLM leaders are made as they progress through the compensation plan. Their leadership skills are developed through training.

Multi-Level Marketing
A unique method of distributing a product to a customer.

The acronym for Multi-Level-Marketing.

Network Marketing
The word often used in place of the word Multi-Level-Marketing or MLM.

This is your Downline.

This is someone who is a potential customer and/or a potential distributor.

This is enrolling or seeking to enroll somone as a distributor.

This is the person who recruited you into your Network Marketing business. “Tim recruited me last month.”

This is your Downline.

This is the person who recruited you into your MLM company. “Tim is in my upline.” It is also the person who recruited that person and so on until you reach the MLM company.

I hope this clarifies some of the terms used in traditional MLM. It is not an exhaustive list but hopefully if you are new to MLM you will not be too confused.

All the best for your future success


Reference/Referral Click Here
The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing
My Self-Development Store

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Welcome Honoured Guest

May I welcome you to my blog on MLM Misconceptions. This blog will hopefully help you succeed in your business venture(s) whether they are in MLM/Network Marketing or not.

It will not only be about the misconceptions propagated by the MLM industry. It will also include ideas on training and self-development and eventually lead us into what I call Mutual Support Marketing.

First off I would recommend reading the eBook “The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing”. It is a pdf format, free eBook that is worth taking the time to study if you are in, or thinking of joining, an MLM / Network Marketing company.

I will try to keep links out of the blog text as I find them distracting but at the end of most blog entries there will be a “Reference/Referral Click Here” section that will list interesting places to visit in relation to the information presented.

So, my honoured guest, be patient and return frequently to find out what is happening in the world of MLM Misconceptions.

Reference/Referral Click Here
The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing
My Self-Development Store

Monday, December 15, 2008


If there was just one thing I wish I'd learned when I first got started in network marketing it would have been this: I didn't need to chase down anyone to get them to join my business. After doing the whole "names list / 3 foot rule" thing, I finally discovered how to have people come to me! Click here to find out how you can too:

My Self-Development Store